Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Session For 2009

Hooray for our first session!

It was a warm welcome back for all the old Befrienders and Befriendees alike, while it was an eventful session for the first-timers, Befrienders and Befriendees.

The pleasant evening started off tepid at first, with bouts of shyness and quietness all around. That all changed with a rousing game of Whacko getting everybody into the spirit. Even more hilarity ensued with Double Whacko, filled with blur faces, rampant sabo-ing and joyous laughter. The Befriendees were opening up more and weren't at all scared of joining in whole-heartedly. Seeing them enjoying themselves was an indicator that we were fulfilling our aims: helping them to make friends and having fun.

The year promises future sessions filled with even more laughter and hopefully get some homework done. Befriendees this year are from a wide spectrum, ranging from different ages, schools, races and backgrounds. There are challenges abound, be it situations which have been encountered before or novel experiences to learn from. New activites will be carried out, old plans put into action, changes across the board with new opinions, voices and mindsets. But flexibility is a key part of being a Befrienders, learning to cope with the unforseen, adapting to foreign senarios, rolling with the punches and always ready to take on roles or responsibilities.

And I hope that we can all bond together as a family. Although we are part of a larger CSC family, we are a unit by ourselves. With new welfare initiatives and different work structures, the sense of belonging (hopefully =P) will be cultivated among the Befrienders and Befriendees. For everyone to know that they have a place to look for help and people to turn to for guidance, be it the old folks of 26++ or the younger, hip and happening as well as talented 22 year olds. Because at some point of time in everyone's life, they will need a friend. And that is what we are essentially, friends.

So look out for out next posting! Especially the totally exciting and much-awaited April Celebrations by the cool and handsome 22/23 year olds.


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