Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bowling session

Aug 12th 2008

the first official session after a 3 months break. Everyone was looking forward to it and we did something out of the normal "stay in center" activities. Headed to West Coast Recreational Center and had a bowling session. As most of the befriendees and some befrienders were first timers in the game, the group of us were split up into 3 groups in order to teach and guide the "freshies". Of cos it is not just sweat and laughter, food is also available to ensure that none of us go home feeling hungry after a night of "ball throwing".

As usual, after every event, we try our best to have a "family photo"

Anyway, the new committee for the new academic year of 08/09 is out.
from left: Jason (Head), Calvin (Programmer), Fiona (Secretary/Volunteer Management), Chai Sean (Treasurer), Wei Ying (Publication Head), Choon Guan (Vice-Head).

Choon Guan